
Dedicated diving personalities

September 04, 2013

Meet the dedicated diving personalities using SI TECH components in their strive for optimal performance and safety. These divers are in different ways ambassadors for the SI TECH brand and products. We support these divers as we think that they are a great asset to the diving community. Their great experience and knowledge are pushing us forward in our strive to reach new levels of performance.

In this section you will find information about the expeditions and projects that we sponsor and supply, as well as reports on any previous fourth element adventures. If you want to take part in a fourth element adventure, please click here to see what we have coming up. - See more at: http://www.fourthelement.com/adventures/diving_expeditions/index.php#sthash.kAoWQQGC.dpuf
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John Jonsson - Wreck diver/Rescue swimmer
John is a professional rescue swimmer spending most of his office hours in a helicopter. John is a member of the diving exploration team Deep Sea Productions, led by Carl Douglas. The team is behind some of the most noted wreck finds in modern times. John has been diving SI TECH products for many years as he knows that they work great for his way of diving.


Jonas Dahm - Wreck diver/Photographer
Jonas has been working for Deep Sea Productions for several years and will join us on the shows with some of his work. We do recommend everyone to come and see these images!


Top2bottom is a team that specializes in expedition filming. Stratis Kas, a Cave and Tech instructor, is one of the members of the team. Stratis is both a professional film maker and photographer. As a Cave diving instructor he is often a point of reference for what we call pro diving filming. You can see him speaking at prestigious diving conferences and shows around the world. Stratis likes SI TECH products - for their simplicity and durability. His favourite product is the ANTARES Dry glove system, which is installed on all his drysuits. 

Inhouse dive team

Steve Hallsten - Injection molder/Diver

Steve is managing the injection molding process at SI TECH. When he's not taking care of the machinery at the factory he spends time with his Dræger Dolphin rebreather. Steve knows the Gullmarsfjord's dive sites and hideouts as his own pocket.  Except for his interest in diving, Steve is also enthusiastic about motorcycles and boats. Steve is part of the team conducting tests and development of SI TECH products.

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Test and evaluation

With our inhouse diving competencies and nearby shore based diving, with depths down to 100 meter, we are always able to conduct live condition test sessions at all stages of our product development processes.


The high quality and performance characteristics of components manufactured by SI TECH is a result of engineering, dedication and commitment.