Benefits of modularity
September 04, 2013Don´t let a broken seal jeopardize the dive of your life!

This image pretty much tells the story of a ruined day! The sun is shining, the visibility is unbelievable and the gear is prepared! Everyone is happy and you will soon be ready to access the water for the dive of your life! Until all of a sudden a fixed wrist seal breaks...
Wrist Seals and Neck Seals wear out and breaks, thats a fact! Sometimes they break without a warning! At the dive site, this is bad news!
A Modular Quick Change Solution from SI TECH prevents a broken seal to ruin your day! You simply change the seal in field! Without tools or glue. It is done within minutes and you will be ready to access the water with your buddies.
A drysuit with a Modular Quick Change Solution offer the user to change seals whenever needed, without the use of glue. A modular solution will save the day if a seal accidently breaks - change to a new one in just a couple of minutes and you are ready to dive! The great variety of seals available for modular systems ables the user to chose the actual seal best suited for the job.
It does not matter if you are a drysuit manufacturer, a drysuit retailer, a diver at the dive site or an adventurer enjoying life from a kayak. Modular solutions from SI TECH will benefit your activities no matter who you are.
- Superior versatility
- Adaptable for a variety of needs
- Easy to use
- Keeps you happy
Modular Systems in the SI TECH range:
- QCS Oval (oval attachment platform for wrist seals)
- Quick Cuff (round attachment platform for wrist seals)
- Neck Tite (attachment platform for neck seals)
Dry Glove Systems compatible with SI TECH Modular Systems:
- ANTARES (oval Dry Glove System)
- Glove Lock QCP (round Dry Glove System)
- Quick Glove (round Dry Glove System)

Modularity, as we interpret it, comes from the military community in which soldiers adapt their equipment for each specific task at hand - to become as effective as possible.
By attaching a Modular Quick Change Solution to your drysuit you will all of a sudden have a drysuit/platform adaptable for a variety of needs. Some great examples are the QCS Oval and the Quick Cuff. Both of these solutions offer the diver to use a variety of seals, connect a Dry Glove System onto it and quickly change damaged components within minutes.

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